Race time came around and I have two words for you...NOT GOOD. We had two chances to get it right this weekend. The first race started out really great. Mike looked really fast and was up to the 3rd position when the car broke. He began falling back, until finally on the 31st lap he had to leave the race. Bummer, but hey, we have a second race. OK, back to the pits to figure out whats going on with the car and if it can be fixed. Answer - clutch is broken and NO it cannot be fixed before the next race. So, Mike jumps in Kelly Mann's car with the #11 in orange duct tape on each side. Starts the 2nd race strong! On his way to the front half of the field, the #2 car spins Mike out and he goes safely into the middle of the track...clean getaway. Not so lucky the next time. He was making his way back up when he tried to pass the #26 car on the inside and big surprise goes right into the yuke tires. This ended Mikes race night - oh what a night. We are going to put this night out of our memory and concentrate on the next two races (also the last two) on the 5/8s and working our way back into the 4th place points position - it CAN and WILL be done!
Race #1 - Car #1...Broke the Clutch

Race #2 - Car #2 - THANK YOU #26

Me and Sara at the end of a LONG night of wreckage...

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